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Tomorrow Never Comes

We are not going to renew your contract. That was the sentence upper management said to me as they were letting me go. I know they said more because their lips were moving, but I couldn't hear what they were saying. Many people have heard a similar statement in their work life. Afterwards, a flood of questions fill your brain. Those question turn into doubts. Those doubts turn into fears. That fear turns into hate for those who did this to you. But these thoughts are all lies.

I had a choice to make. Sit there, collect a check and pray someone hires me that has good benefits. Or, I could build, connect, and transform my current position. For months prior to the announcement, I kept telling myself and others "I'm gonna start my own business. I can do this" but I never followed through with it. Something always came up that was more important. That football game or TV show I couldn't miss, or going with my daughter to the mall to choose clothes for the perfect school outfit. My personal favorite was "I am too tired to do it tonight. I'll do it tomorrow." After several tomorrows and bouts of self doubt, I took the plunge. I must say, it is glorious!! Don't wait for tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes. Do it now! If you are up working on something at 2 am because it has been bugging you all day and there is no money in it for you? You have the love for what you do. I am typing this blog at 1:32 am, why? I want to finish this. I tried to go to bed, but this thought kept running in my head so I couldn't sleep. Crazy? Yes. Do I love it? Good God yes!!

You can do this regardless of what people may tell you. They will tell you to not do it because you will fail or tell you stories of others that have failed before you. These people do not matter. What matters is what YOU want to do. You may stumble a few hundred times, but the reward of getting back up and moving on is a million times greater.

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