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I have been obsessing over becoming a better UI designer. So much so, that I wake up an hour early to work on my new portfoilo site, I listen to podcasts about UI/UX while at my day job, and take an online course when home at night.

That being said, I miss the creative freedom photography and Photoshop. Not that UI isn't a creative field, I just haven't achieved my level of comfort using XD and Figma. I will get there, though. Think of it when Tony Stark first took out the MarkII in Ironman versus MarkL in Infinity War. You know what you are doing, it isn't as intuitive as you want it to be.

So, today I will be taking a break from this life in order to not burn out. Also, I want to see the beauty of the world through my rose colored glasses rather than analyzing how I interact with everything and how it is set up.


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